"We could really come together and be captains of the same ship. So professionally I've used this and I've loved it."
Rebekka Wallace Roy
Mindset shift, I am a professional myself
CTC has had such a significant impact on my life, both professionally, as well as personally. I'm a psychotherapist and registered social worker who works with families and teaches mindful parenting. I work people with aged 3-98 years old. I use the framework in almost every single thing that I do.
In my practice, we talk about behavior as communication, wins and tweaks, gratitude practice, journal of overwhelm. We do our “I notice.. I feel.. I wonder..”’s, our wants, wishes and have tos. The tools are just at the tips of my fingers. I'm able to pull them out, adapt and change them and make them my own. So professionally I've used this and I've loved it.
Personally. After a skateboard accident, I ended up with post concussive syndrome. So my parenting completely shifted from someone who blew up occasionally to someone who's fuse was really short. My partner called me out and said, we need some help. We actually did it together and it was magic having the same language so that we could really come together and be captains of the same ship. Our partnership and our parenting grew stronger.
Have we totally kept it up? No, because there's a pandemic and my concussion really knocks me out sometimes, but now I know our next step and I have the tools and I also have a team of women and men who will hold me accountable and who I can just be myself with, be vulnerable and fallible and say, “Guys, I'm not doing okay. I need some help”.
So now I would say that parenting is no longer our main focus. It's actually thriving and living. And I just want to say, thank you for that.