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YES! You Can Be A Rockstar Mom AND Live Your Dreams (Even If You Don’t Have 2 Seconds to Yourself) Here’s How...
Join hundreds of moms for IGNITE! This LIVE virtual event runs from July 24-26.
How to re-discover your identity and your passions -- You’ll find what “lights you up” in addition to being a rockstar mom -- so you can have more energy, make a positive impact, and enjoy life more fully
How to free up your time so you can pursue your dreams while still making family your #1 priority (whether you want to go back to school, get a job, pick up a hobby or start a side business, you’ll learn to do all that without sacrificing time with your family.
How to turn your passion into income (so you can say “Yes!” more -- “Yes” to going out to eat, “Yes” to mini-vacations with your family, “Yes” to karate class for your kid -- because you can afford those things without worrying about money)

Before we get into details, there’s something critical you should know...
Why Following Your Passions Makes Your Kids Happier
A lot of people get mad when I talk about following your passions. They say that “being a mom is enough”. And if that’s what you believe, great!
I love being a mom. It’s the most rewarding thing in the world. But I always wanted something more. Something I could call my own. Something that could bring in extra money to pay for groceries, boxed wine, or even a little family vacation.
(Little did I know starting my “own thing” would eventually turn into a 7-figure business with 20 employees. Oopsie!)
But after all these years, I discover another reason why it’s critical for moms to have passions outside of their family.
That reason? Kids model what they see.
So let me ask you:
Do you want your kid to follow their dreams?
Do you want them to be themselves?
Do you want them to make a positive impact on the world?
Do you want them to be happy?
One of the best ways to help them do all that is to lead by example! 🙂
Show them they can achieve their dreams by achieving your dreams. Be the person they can point to and say, “Well, my mom was able to make her dreams come true. She was a great mom and built an amazing life. I can do the same!”
Of course, it’s not always that easy. You may be thinking:
“But I don’t know what my passions are!
“But I have too many passions and don’t know what to focus on!”
“But I don’t have time! Every second of my day is devoted to my kids!”
“But I don’t have the skills or experience to pursue anything! I’ve been “just a mom” for over a decade!”
Don’t worry! I was in a similar spot a few years ago. So were many of my students.
But we learned how to overcome all that. And now, we want to teach you.
For example, I turned my desire to help moms like me struggling with “out-of-the-box kids” into a successful business. I’ve been able to help hundreds of thousands of moms while working from home. And I earn more than I did as a teacher.
And my students have similar stories. They found “out-of-the-box” careers that helped them earn extra money while making a meaningful impact.
Now they can do things like hire a caterer for their kids’ birthday, so they can spend the day with their family instead of slaving over a hot grill. Or pay for a new roof. Or leave a waiter a 100% tip. (These are things my students have actually done after they found their passion and learned how to make money with it.)
Now, I’d like to share the exact steps me and my students used to help you find your passion, find time to pursue it, and if you want -- earn extra money from it to support your family.
All without missing out on time with your kids.
We’ll show you how to do in all in our brand new event:

Introducing Ignite!
Ignite is a LIVE, 3-day virtual event that runs from July 24-26.
It goes from 10am to 6PM CST.
Here’s a breakdown of what we’ll cover each day.
DAY 1:
Dream It
This is where you connect with who you are and what lights you up. You'll discover:
How to re-discover who you are and what you love in addition to being a rockstar mom
How to discover your passion -- find the one thing that lights you up and fills you with energy (You may have “no passions” or “too many” passions -- we’ll help you focus in on the one that’s best for you to pursue)
How to free up an hour or more per day by removing these common “time-sucking” activities

How to get lasting energy throughout the day with simple “Energy Boosters” (no more slumping on the couch at night feeling too exhausted to do anything -- instead, you’ll discover simple “energy boosters” that will keep you plugging away with a smile on your face -- no caffeine required :))
How to turn your passion into income -- a simple “Google formula” to help you find jobs and “out-of-the-box” careers so you can get paid to do what you love (you’ll find opportunities you never knew existed!)
How to find the “sweet spot” between what you love and what people will pay for -- so you can make extra money helping others without wasting time on something that won’t work
Create It
This is where you start to turn your dreams into a reality. You’ll discover:
How to overcome the fear, doubt, and insecurities holding you back with our scientifically proven “Belief Buster” techniques. (No more doubting yourself. No more feeling you’re not “good enough” or you’re not “the type of person who can do this”. Instead, you’ll see how to swap those insecurities for unshakable confidence that you CAN live your dreams AND be a rockstar mom.)
The “Sprint” technique to achieve your dreams faster than you imagined -- This technique helped us create and launch 4 new products in three months that made well over $100k and helped thousands of moms. With this technique, you can make huge steps towards your goals before day 2 even ends!
How to know your first step, the best way to get started, and always know you’re on the right track

How to find your SUPERPOWERS -- discover your hidden strengths and use them to achieve your dreams faster, easier, and while having a lot more fun!
How to turn struggles into superpowers -- you’ll see how things like a “lack of experience” or “lack of time” can actually propel you to be successful (For example: one of my struggles is being scatterbrained. I’ve honed it into a superpower. It’s how I’ve written several bestselling books and created tons of courses while still raising my family.)
The “Create, Solve, Conquer Formula” to quickly get paid to do work you love
After today, you’ll have complete CLARITY on how to make your dreams a reality. And you’ll have rock solid confidence that you can achieve it!
DAY 3:
After these three days, you’ll feel like you were shot out of a cannon. And what you learn on day 3 will help you keep that momentum going so you continue to make progress month after month… until you achieve your dreams. You’ll discover:
Your Family Action Plan so you can achieve your dreams without missing out on time with your kids (and you’ll teach your kids how to achieve their dreams!)
How to overcome the everyday challenges that get in your way (everything from kids needing your attention to an unsupportive husband and more.)
Your 90 Day Action Plan -- Get more done in 90 days than most do all year with this step-by-step roadmap to achieving your dreams

Why you don’t have to choose between your passion OR your kids -- and how to balance both! (Hint: One trick I love is to work beside my kids. It’s like having a little coworker who spends half the day coloring :))
The “rock, pebble, sand” technique to break big, scary goals into simple achievable ones (Your dream will go from seeming impossible to achievable within minutes.)
Just imagine a year from now, you’ve got a job, career, hobby or side-business that lets you put food on the table. You’re no longer worried about bills because you have a reliable side-income that covers them. And you’re making a positive impact doing what you love.
Best of all, you’ve become an inspiration to your kids. They see you were able to create a life you love -- despite the challenges and setbacks you have. Your kids see that and start to believe they can do the same.
Are You “Too Busy” to Attend?
You’ll Love This...
We are going all-out for this live event.
You’ll get dozens of lessons, exercises, worksheets, and more…
If you order your ticket today, you’ll also get these 3 special bonuses to help you free up your time (so you can attend the event without your kids destroying your home), find your passion and build your confidence. Let me share them with you now..
“Three Day Get-Away Pack”
If you’ve been thinking, “how on earth am I gonna get 3 days away from my kids when I don’t even have time to take a shower”, you’re gonna love this bonus!
In this get-away pack we include special training where we walk you through a plan to free up your time and get your family on board so you can have 3 days of awesome sauce.
In this kit you’ll find
- An activities list to help keep your kiddos occupied while you work on discovering and igniting that spark within you (so you know they’re happy and cared for while you care for yourself)
- A weekend mealtime prep guide to keep yourself and the kids from becoming ‘hangry’ and erupting into meltdowns
- Tips and strategies on how to take a few hours for yourself -- even if your partner and family aren’t on board.
This is based on the same plan I created with my family so I could disappear for a weekend to write my book. (When I got back I learned they enjoyed their little break.)
The moms on our team use these strategies every day so they can work from home without missing out on time with their kids.
101 ‘Idea Sparkers’
Not sure what your passion is? You’ll love this:
We reached out to moms in the community and beyond to come up with 101 ‘idea sparkers’ for you...a compilation of out-of-the-box careers, past-times and hobbies that made their dreams come true. You can use these ideas to inspire you and jump start your own dreams.
Confidence Booster Power System
Over and over I hear moms say things like, ”I don’t have any skills or experience outside of being a mom” or “I’d like to pursue my passion but I just don’t think I can do it”.
We know stepping out is hard.
That’s why we are including a special training designed to boost your confidence. So you can go from doubting yourself to knowing you CAN make go back to school… start a business… write that book… or whatever your passion may be.
"Special Surprise”
If I told you about this, it wouldn't be a surprise….would it?
Let’s just say we’re putting together a special surprise for the action-takers in the group. We’re ordering a limited number, so they’ll only be available on a first-come first-served basis. Don’t miss out!
Dates and Times for IGNITE
The event will be July 24-26. It will go from 10 AM CST to 6PM CST. And the entire thing will be done online, so you can attend from your living room.
Our three-day events generally cost around $500.
But since this is online, we can cut the cost way down.
You can get access to all three days for just $97.

Are Recordings Available?
Recordings are only available if you upgrade to a VIP pass. To upgrade, order your ticket on this page. You will then be asked if you would like to upgrade to a VIP ticket that comes with a “virtual cocktail hour” as well as recordings of the full event.
We do not offer recordings for one simple reason: We don’t want this to be something you put aside and forget about.
The material we cover can dramatically transform your life in 3 days. So I want to make sure you’re there. None of this “I’ll get to it later…” nonsense 😉
We are only making it available to those who purchase a VIP ticket because that proves how committed you are. So if you want recordings, click the button below now, order your normal pass, then upgrade to VIP when the option appears.
Join the Hundreds of Moms July 24-26!

If they can do it, so can you
Doubt this can work for you? Here are some stories from past students that can change your mind:
Kaylene George, was a Calm the Chaos graduate with 6 kids. After getting her home in order, she built a successful business. She is now the breadwinner in her family and works from home so she can be with her kids all day.
Then there’s Jess Flynn. Her only goal was to be a great mom. Once she achieved that (and got her son to stop having epic meltdowns every day), she thought, “What else can I do?” She began helping moms who had the same struggles as she did and built a successful career.
Because of this, Jess had extra money to rent a bouncy castle for her son’s birthday. She even hired a catering company to do the food. This way, she could spend the day with her family instead of being stuck behind a hot grill.
Look, I know you didn’t have a child just so you could not spend time with them.
And I promise you, with what you learn in this 3 day event, that won’t be an issue. We’ll show you how to put your family first and still create a life and career you love.
And if you’re utterly exhausted each day, we’ll help with that, too. We’ll show you how to save time and tap into reserves of energy you didn’t know you had while connecting with your passions and creating a fulfilling life.
Click below to get your ticket.

Dates and Times for
We are going all-out for this live event.
You’ll get dozens of lessons, exercises, worksheets, and more.
The event will be July 24-26. It will go from 10 AM CST to 6PM CST. And the entire thing will be done online, so you can attend from your living room.
Our three-day events generally cost around $500.
But since this is online, we can cut the cost way down.
You can get access to all three days for just $97.
Regular admission
Includes access to all
3 days of IGNITE