"I had built up a lot of walls that prevented real communication within our family."
Theresa Gilbert
Parental anxiety, Communication
Before CTC, I had built up a lot of walls that prevented real communication within our family. I had lost a lot of my confidence. I had struggled with a lot of negative self talk and that led to a lot of spirals leading to some very undesirable behaviors that affected the whole family.
We had a lot of intense external stressors that impacted our family's life and at the time we simply lacked the tools to effectively process and handle them. There was of course, love in our family but we were in a very real place of struggle. We were working with what we had and what we knew but I felt like I had lost my identity. There was really zero self care happening.
I discovered Calm the Chaos following two particularly difficult years, primarily from the external stressors. The journey and framework provided me the opportunity to discover who I am. As a wife, a mother and me. I have gained my confidence. I learned more about my struggles and how I can learn and grow from them has kicked down those walls I had built up. It’s open communication now for my husband and I, and with our kids. We are striving to foster a true family team where we all know, at our core, we are loved. We are seen, heard and valued.
A core belief of the Calm of Chaos framework is that all behavior is communication and understanding that it applies to each and every person is so key. When one is struggling, we try to seek understanding and work with them instead of taking it personally. Now that CTC is in our life, we have more fun, more laughter, music and dancing. And I can truly say that I am happy. I have put my self care at the top of the priority list because I have seen how my thoughts and actions affect the whole family. And when I am taking care of myself, I am better able to love and serve them.